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Campervan Life in Wanaka

Campervan Living

For as long as James and I have been together, he has always dreamed about living in a self contained van/campervan. I on the other hand have had some reservations about it.

When the time came to make a decision for the upcoming ski season, we found ourselves weighing three potential options: Ohakune, Queenstown, or Wanaka. Last year we spent the season at Mt Ruapehu, however with all the uncertainty around it opening this year and the potential of unfavorable snow conditions, we decided against it. We also experienced a season in Queenstown a few years ago, but it was too busy for my liking. This left us with one remaining possibility, Wanaka. The problem with Wanaka was the cost of housing and with James being a student and me not having a job down there, our financial options were limited. Fortunately for us, my grandparents own a campervan, which they kindly allowed us to borrow. After securing a long-term campsite we were ready embark on our Wanaka campervan adventure.

Going into this, I had uncertainties about living in a campervan for three months. The idea of being in a compact space that doubles as our bedroom, kitchen, living area, James' office, and bathroom, made me feel slightly overwhelmed. Especially considering James' tendency to turn the place into a scattered mess for “easy access”, while I prefer a tidy, organized space.

Living in a campervan has proven to be a great experience for us so far, and we have established a routine that suits us well. Instead of cooking inside the campervan, we make use of the communal kitchen at the campground. This decision relieves us of the burden of cleaning up the cooking area and prevents any unpleasant odors from lingering inside the van. Additionally, we’ve opted not to use the shower in the campervan, allowing us to conserve water and avoid the inconvenience of dealing with a flooded bathroom each morning. The heater in the campervan works exceptionally well, keeping us wonderfully warm, which is a welcoming change from our past winters. As part of our weekly routine, we empty the septic tank and grey water, ensuring a fresh start for the upcoming week. James has taken over the front seats and spare bed with all his snowboard stuff however they are out of the way so it doesn’t bother me. The rest of our space I get to keep nice and tidy and with James being up the mounatin most days, it gives me a chance to sweep the campervan, make the bed and reset it for the day. The only challenge we have faced so far, is with us being under 25 we are not insured to drive the campervan, which means we can’t go on little getaways like we had hoped.

Glendhu Bay Motor Camp

We decided to stay at Glendhu Bay Motor Camp which is a short drive from Wanaka township and Treble Cone Ski Feild. The campground is so beautiful and sits right on the lakefront, surrounded by white capped mountains and tall trees. The lake is home to many types of birds and magical rocks.

The main block of facilities at Glendhu Bay Motor Camp are relatively new and sparkly clean. There is seperate male and female toilets/showers. The showers require $1 coins for a 6 minute shower, which we feel should be included in the rent considering how much we pay. The kitchen facilities are good with eight stove tops and sinks as well as four ovens. fortunately we are here in the off season, so the number of people utilizing the facilities is relatively low, allowing us to enjoy the amenities without feeling overcrowded. There is also a big lounge and seating area with a ping pong table which James and I play every day after dinner. Who knows, with regular practice we might become ping pong champions by the end of our stay!

I love going for walks around the lake, exploring all the hidden wonders. The fiery orange trees reflect in the water, a mesmerizing sight, and the mountain air is crisp and fresh. We have been blessed with amazing weather since our arrival, which has been nice for me but not so great for James and the lack of snow.

One treasure of our secluded location is the absence of city lights, allowing the stars to shine with unrivaled brilliance. The night sky becomes a breathtaking spectacle, filled with countless twinkling stars that seem to stretch infinitely in every direction. The Milky Way, stands out clearly from the rest, creating a magnificant sight.