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Paraparaumu Beach April 2023


Paraparaumu Beach is a gorgeous seaside township located approximately 40 minutes' drive north of Wellington. Nestled along the scenic Kapiti Coast, on a beautiful stretch of beach, this charming destination offers breathtaking views of Kapiti Island. Paraparaumu Beach has many delightful cafes along the beachfront as well as a small shopping street. For convenience, supermarkets and a mall is a mere 10-minute drive away, ensuring easy access to daily necessities.


This five week house sit was our longest yet, granting us the privilege of looking after three lovely cats. There names are Min, Ringo and Cleo and each possess distinct and captivating personalities. Min loved being around people and she would follow us wherever we went. Whether it was to watch us cook dinner on the kitchen bench or welcome us home from the front doorstep, Min would be there. She is a very curious cat, and has remarkable human-like qualities. Towards the end of our stay it seemed as though she could sense our impending departure. Nights were filled with her loud expressive meows, and during the daytime we discovered her curled up on our bed, which was unusual behaviour for her.

Ringo is the fluffiest cat we have ever seen. He is an adventurous soul and would embark on day-long explorations, venturing beyond the fence into the neighboring dog park. When evening fell, Ringo would return home, choosing to sleep outside on his designated chair rather than indoors. On sunny days, he would settle amidst the garden beds, skillfully blending in with the lush plants around him.

Cleo is a brave three legged cat who possesses a shy and cautious nature. She would often hide away in the spare bedroom and did not get along with the other cats very well. Cleo had her own designated food and eating area due to her sensitive stomach. She had a tendency to overeat, which required careful monitoring to prevent vomiting.

The house was a sunny and cozy three bedroom home, located just one street away from the beach. The owners had a fondness for collecting things, including a charming assortment of vintage model cars and plenty of cat related items.

What We Did

This house sit was a wonderful opportunity for us as it allowed us to spend quality time with our families who live nearby. The location was ideal, with Wellington just a short drive away, offering plenty of activities and attractions. James' Grandfather travelled all the way over from America so we decided to go on a special outing to Zealandia, a beautiful wildlife bird sanctuary in Wellington. We enjoyed a serene walk through New Zealand native bush listening to all the musical birdsounds, and were lucky enough to see Tui, Kea, Kakariki, Fantails and Takahe.

During another outing to Wellington, we got to take Seirian’s younger siblings and nephew to the Wellington Zoo. They had a wonderful time looking at the diverse range of fascinating animals, we even caught a glimpse of the newly arrived snow leopards. Unfortunately our visit coincided with the school holidays, which made the zoo a bit crowded.

We decided to embark on the well-known escarpment track stretching along the coastline from Paekakariki to Pukerua Bay. You can walk the track from either direction, however we chose to walk from Pukerua Bay to Paekakariki to ensure we always had a gorgeous view of Kapiti Island before us. We Drove to Paekakariki and hopped on the train to begin our journey. The walk has a lot of stairs, and some tricky parts due to landslides, but the views are absolutely stunning and well worth it. It took us just under three hours to complete.

One of our favourite things to do in Paraparaumu, was strolling along the beach at sunset. The colours that painted the sky over Kapiti Island was an absolute delight, and each evening brought forth a unique and breathtaking show. From golden sunsets to vibrant displays of reds, pinks, and purples stretching across the horizon, the beauty of natures canvas never failed to disappoint.

If you are interested in us house sitting for you please contact us here